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Kanker Kulit

[Versi Indonesia] Adult skin cancer is likely to have increased in number, especially in the Americas, Australia and the UK. Based on several studies, they are white people who suffer a lot more of this type of skin cancer. It is predicted as a result of their frequent exposed (many displayed) sunlight. In Indonesia, skin cancer is fairly small compared to the state-3, however, skin cancer needs to be understood as well as causing disability (spoil appearance) are also at an advanced stage can be fatal for patients.

Skin Cancer is a disease characterized by the growth of skin cells that are not controlled, can damage surrounding tissue and can spread to other parts of the body. There are three types of skin cancer are generally often affects humans, such as basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and malignant melanoma (MM).

kanker-kulitBasal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)

Is a type of skin cancer are the most common. This type of cancer is not spread (metastasize) assigned to other bodies, but cancer cells can grow and cause damage to the surrounding skin tissue. Light skin tone and are often exposed to sun light incandescence both suspected as the cause of Basal Cell Carcinoma. Other factors can also cause this type of cancer is a weak immune system (both the impact of other diseases or treatments), burns, X-ray beam.

1. Signs and Symptoms
Parts of the body basal cell cancer is usually the face, neck and scalp. The signs of this type of cancer is a lump that is somewhat shiny, reddish colored with rising edge somewhat blackish, abnormalities such as scarring and abrasions / twists that does not heal.

2. Diagnosis of cancer type
A single method for ensuring that basal cell cancer doctor will perform clinical and histopathologic examination by taking samples of the skin that is considered as a cancer tissue (biopsy) for examination under a microscope.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)

Is a type of skin cancer that affects more men, especially the elderly (seniors). It is a type of skin cancer that occurs epidermal keratinocytes cell malignancy, is the second most common skin cancer. SCC skin cancer can spread gets another body, generally affects those in tropical region.

As well as KSB disease, this type of skin cancer is also thought to be due to sunlight (dominant), a weak immune body, viruses, chemicals and scar tissue can also cause this Disease. The signs and symptoms is to have abnormalities in the form of lumps or sores that do not heal. Diagnosis is made ​​by the same method at KSB

Malignant melanoma (MM)

It is a type of skin cancer that is the most malignant and potentially lethal. In the US, the data obtained six of the seven patients have died of cancer. And the number of people who develop increased from year to year. Malignant melanoma can develop from moles arise existing or emerging.

1. Signs and Symptoms
This information is very important for them that have a mole that then either change the color, size and shape, Moles sometimes itch and bleed when scratched. These cancer cells grow from melanocytes, the skin cells that function to produce melanin dye.

Cancer is characterized by ABCD, A = asymmetric, irregular shape. B = Border or too uneven edges. C = Color or color that varies from one area to another. Can brown to black. Even in certain cases found in white, red and blue. D = Diameter greater than 6 mm.

2. Diagnosis of malignant melanoma
Enforcement diagnosis in cases of this type of skin cancer as well as two types of skin cancer in the upper (BCC and SCC), the action biopsy for examination under a microscope.


Although not as much skin cancer patients in other countries, we should pay attention to the issue of this one. Moreover, the archipelago is a region through which the equator. That is enough exposure to sunlight when the sting of the skin.

Finding the disease as early as possible is one way to avoid defects due to skin cancer. It is on the outside, so it is quite easy to monitor


Go into the room and find a mirror the entire body. Then do the following steps:

1. Left, lift arms with palms facing upwards. Note the palms, fingers, skin between the fingers and forearm. Right, stand in front of the full-length mirror. Raise your arms, bend at the elbows with palms facing the chest. Look in the mirror the back of the forearm and elbow-to-elbow.

2. Stand facing a mirror that can be used to see throughout your body. Observe the front of the body, face, neck, and upper arms. Then look at the chest, abdomen, genitals, thighs, and legs.

3. Now start to see the side of the body. Start right side of the body. Raise both arms and palms facing each other. Look at the thighs, arms, hands, legs down. After that, do the same for the left side.

4. With his back to the mirror, look at the buttocks, the back of the thigh, and lower leg.

5. Take a small mirror. With his back to the mirror position, see the back of your neck. If there are some parts that are not visible, ask your partner or close friend.

6. Still in the same position, use a small mirror and a large mirror to see the scalp. Since the scalp's hard checked, use a hair dryer to brush the hair from the scalp. Observe carefully. You can also have a colleague this.

7. Sit on a stool. Lift one leg on the other bench. With a small mirror, check the back of the leg from the crotch to the sole of the foot. Perform similar for the other leg.

8. Still in a sitting position, legs compare to one another with a small mirror, check back legs, fingers, and the skin between the toes. Observe carefully the soles of the feet. Repeat for the other leg.

Which must be sought

Abnormalities such as:
• Lump somewhat shiny that can be easily cut or laceration and bleeding.
• spots or lumps with sores or blisters that do not heal, berkopeng, or bumpy like cauliflower.
• Moles, birthmarks, or black-colored skin disorder (symmetry, irregular, color darkening or variety, size or thickness increases, the surface change, greater than 6 mm).

When to Check Skin?

Do it regularly so that any changes can be detected as early as possible. The time interval of six months enough for people with brown skin.

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